Our country is been under assault from left wing activists and rioters. Unfortunately, our elected leaders, who we trusted to protect us and preserve law and order, have chosen to cower in fear from the mob. As your congressman, I intend to do the opposite. As such, I am making a promise to the people of South West Florida, and the people of America. In office, I will introduce and pass legislation to protect our livelihoods and our history. This legislation will do several essential things to ensure law and order in America. First, the law will declare Antifa a terrorist organization that must be treated in the same manner that we treat ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Secondly, this legislation will create a mandatory minimum prison sentence of five years for anyone who helps destroy a small business during a riot. Thirdly, thus legislation will declare any destruction or desecration of a monument to American history a hate crime against the American Nation, and those responsible will be punished accordingly.
Today, mobs destroy our history and livelihoods with the approval of left-wing leaders such as Nancy Pelosi, who has gone so far as to encourage the mob by taking down portraits of Americans that stand in the Capitol. However, this is not merely a Democratic problem. Many of our elected Republicans have been silent as the mob destroys monuments to our heritage such as statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. President Trump has bravely stood up to the mob, but he cannot do it alone.
It’s time to send Trump reinforcements. It’s time to replace cowardly Republican swamp creatures with representatives who stand up for us. It’s time to send Darren to Washington.
“History condemns generals who plan to fight the last war, rather than anticipate the challenges ahead. Effective leaders strive to get in front of the problem.” – Darren Aquino, Candidate for US 19th Congressional District, FL
As an advocate for disabled for over 35 years, Darren Aquino, also a candidate for Congress, District 25, Naples, has been developing cost-effective and innovative plans to alleviate the homelessness situation across the country, especially since a great majority of the homeless are disabled. The term “disability” covers a wide range of diagnoses, the predominant one, involving homelessness, being mental illness. The homeless population includes those men and women who have served our country, our very special population of our veterans, most of whom have come home with PTSD.
Prior to this critical time in our nation and the world, Aquino had ideas to assist with housing the homeless and mentally ill, who are now more vulnerable than ever. This vulnerable population of our homeless, now face life-threatening situations, as we as a nation try to combat the spread of the Coronavirus, COVID-19.
Aquino believes that the States should have taken advantage of large vacated buildings and spaces to house the homeless population. He has had this plan since 2016.
In New York State, the Pilgrim State Facility in Brentwood, which is situated on the sprawling acreage of over 400 acres, would have been ideal for this endeavor. Over 400 acres have been bought and rebuilding of the land has not begun. This would be an ideal time for the new owners of the land and for state and local officials to collaborate and plan for housing the thousands of vulnerable individuals who now must worry about getting infected and infecting others.
Aquino’s home state of Florida also has a lack of resources for its homeless population. A committee including Social Services Agencies, State and local government officials should be created to deal with this population who is now doubly at risk. Abandoned facilities should be sought for housing.
Aquino believes that Democratic leadership has not dealt with the ever-spiraling descent of the homeless situation, at all, in an effective manner. He believes that when there are opportunities, there are always possibilities, and these opportunities in each state, are not being realized.
Since Aquino has been providing assistance for the disabled population, he knows all too well, how any disaster or catastrophe, mountingly affects this population.
Aside from housing, Aquino believes that healthcare is an extremely pressing issue for the vulnerable during this pandemic. Aquino had presented a 20-page healthcare plan to President George W. Bush, and it included healthcare for everyone, primarily focusing on our vulnerable. Not free healthcare, but, affordable and accessible.
Aquino believes that the most innovative ideas and solutions originate from those who are not politicians, those who have had a struggle, a struggle with equality, a struggle with opportunity.
Aquino also believes that President Trump is a true leader and New Yorker, like himself. History condemns those who plan to fight the last fight, rather than anticipate the challenges ahead.
Effective leaders like President Trump and Aquino, “batten down the hatches”, and strive to get ahead of the problem. Aquino, as an experienced advocate for over 35 years, has always developed innovative solutions to get ahead of the problem. There are solutions for the disabled, the homeless, all our vulnerable, who are already limited due to their conditions and who face life-threatening circumstances due to the Corona Virus. These systemic problems, homelessness, lack of appropriate and accessible mental health care, present another grave challenge during this pandemic.
Aquino says that the disabled have an inherent right due to the XIV Amendment of the Constitution, and the federally mandated Americans with Disabilities Act.
Aquino believes that with cooperation, collaboration, guidance, and diligence, we will succeed. He believes that together, with President Trump and their New York Savvy, they will.
Posted by Matthew Gravagna, Communications Director for Aquino for Congress Campaign
Since this virus is most dangerous for the elderly, the disabled and those that have compromised immune systems, and because these populations, in particular, should not be going out, they should be able to stock up with food and other necessities so that they can remain at home. However, this is the exact population that depends on their Social Security and Disability benefits to meet their everyday needs. Social Security has a staggered payment system, whereby, traditionally, all checks used to be issued to recipients the 3rd of every month, now, those that have retired within the past few years, receive their checks on the 2nd or 3rd week of the month. The Aquino campaign believes that during this pandemic, Social Security checks should all have the same distribution date, the beginning of every month, not the middle of the month. These checks, for our most vulnerable, should be released immediately.
Posted by Matthew Gravagna, Communications Director for Aquino for Congress Campaign
Our country is been under assault from left wing activists and rioters. Unfortunately, our elected leaders, who we trusted to protect us and preserve law and order, have chosen to cower in fear from the mob. As your congressman, I intend to do the opposite. As such, I am making a promise to the people of South West Florida, and the people of America. In office, I will introduce and pass legislation to protect our livelihoods and our history. This legislation will do several essential things to ensure law and order in America. First, the law will declare Antifa a terrorist organization that must be treated in the same manner that we treat ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Secondly, this legislation will create a mandatory minimum prison sentence of five years for anyone who helps destroy a small business during a riot. Thirdly, thus legislation will declare any destruction or desecration of a monument to American history a hate crime against the American Nation, and those responsible will be punished accordingly.
Today, mobs destroy our history and livelihoods with the approval of left-wing leaders such as Nancy Pelosi, who has gone so far as to encourage the mob by taking down portraits of Americans that stand in the Capitol. However, this is not merely a Democratic problem. Many of our elected Republicans have been silent as the mob destroys monuments to our heritage such as statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
“History condemns generals who plan to fight the last war, rather than anticipate the challenges ahead. Effective leaders strive to get in front of the problem.” – Darren Aquino, Candidate for US 19th Congressional District, FL
As an advocate for disabled for over 35 years, Darren Aquino, also a candidate for Congress, District 26, Naples, has been developing cost-effective and innovative plans to alleviate the homelessness situation across the country, especially since a great majority of the homeless are disabled. The term “disability” covers a wide range of diagnoses, the predominant one, involving homelessness, being mental illness. The homeless population includes those men and women who have served our country, our very special population of our veterans, most of whom have come home with PTSD.
Prior to this critical time in our nation and the world, Aquino had ideas to assist with housing the homeless and mentally ill, who are now more vulnerable than ever. This vulnerable population of our homeless, now face life-threatening situations, as we as a nation try to combat the spread of the Coronavirus, COVID-19.
Aquino believes that the States should have taken advantage of large vacated buildings and spaces to house the homeless population. He has had this plan since 2016.
In New York State, the Pilgrim State Facility in Brentwood, which is situated on the sprawling acreage of over 400 acres, would have been ideal for this endeavor. Over 400 acres have been bought and rebuilding of the land has not begun. This would be an ideal time for the new owners of the land and for state and local officials to collaborate and plan for housing the thousands of vulnerable individuals who now must worry about getting infected and infecting others.
Aquino’s home state of Florida also has a lack of resources for its homeless population. A committee including Social Services Agencies, State and local government officials should be created to deal with this population who is now doubly at risk. Abandoned facilities should be sought for housing.
Aquino believes that Democratic leadership has not dealt with the ever-spiraling descent of the homeless situation, at all, in an effective manner. He believes that when there are opportunities, there are always possibilities, and these opportunities in each state, are not being realized.
Since Aquino has been providing assistance for the disabled population, he knows all too well, how any disaster or catastrophe, mountingly affects this population.
Aside from housing, Aquino believes that healthcare is an extremely pressing issue for the vulnerable during this pandemic. Aquino had presented a 20-page healthcare plan to President George W. Bush, and it included healthcare for everyone, primarily focusing on our vulnerable. Not free healthcare, but, affordable and accessible.
Aquino believes that the most innovative ideas and solutions originate from those who are not politicians, those who have had a struggle, a struggle with equality, a struggle with opportunity.
Aquino also believes that President Trump is a true leader and New Yorker, like himself. History condemns those who plan to fight the last fight, rather than anticipate the challenges ahead.
Effective leaders like President Trump and Aquino, “batten down the hatches”, and strive to get ahead of the problem. Aquino, as an experienced advocate for over 35 years, has always developed innovative solutions to get ahead of the problem. There are solutions for the disabled, the homeless, all our vulnerable, who are already limited due to their conditions and who face life-threatening circumstances due to the Corona Virus. These systemic problems, homelessness, lack of appropriate and accessible mental health care, present another grave challenge during this pandemic.
Aquino says that the disabled have an inherent right due to the XIV Amendment of the Constitution, and the federally mandated Americans with Disabilities Act.
Aquino believes that with cooperation, collaboration, guidance, and diligence, we will succeed. He believes that together, with President Trump and their New York Savvy, they will.
“History condemns generals who plan to fight the last war, rather than anticipate the challenges ahead. Effective leaders strive to get in front of the problem.” – Darren Aquino, Candidate for US 19th Congressional District, FL
As an advocate for disabled for over 35 years, Darren Aquino, also a candidate for Congress, District 26, Naples, has been developing cost-effective and innovative plans to alleviate the homelessness situation across the country, especially since a great majority of the homeless are disabled. The term “disability” covers a wide range of diagnoses, the predominant one, involving homelessness, being mental illness. The homeless population includes those men and women who have served our country, our very special population of our veterans, most of whom have come home with PTSD.
Prior to this critical time in our nation and the world, Aquino had ideas to assist with housing the homeless and mentally ill, who are now more vulnerable than ever. This vulnerable population of our homeless, now face life-threatening situations, as we as a nation try to combat the spread of the Coronavirus, COVID-19.
Aquino believes that the States should have taken advantage of large vacated buildings and spaces to house the homeless population. He has had this plan since 2016.
In New York State, the Pilgrim State Facility in Brentwood, which is situated on the sprawling acreage of over 400 acres, would have been ideal for this endeavor. Over 400 acres have been bought and rebuilding of the land has not begun. This would be an ideal time for the new owners of the land and for state and local officials to collaborate and plan for housing the thousands of vulnerable individuals who now must worry about getting infected and infecting others.
Aquino’s home state of Florida also has a lack of resources for its homeless population. A committee including Social Services Agencies, State and local government officials should be created to deal with this population who is now doubly at risk. Abandoned facilities should be sought for housing.
Aquino believes that Democratic leadership has not dealt with the ever-spiraling descent of the homeless situation, at all, in an effective manner. He believes that when there are opportunities, there are always possibilities, and these opportunities in each state, are not being realized.
Since Aquino has been providing assistance for the disabled population, he knows all too well, how any disaster or catastrophe, mountingly affects this population.
Aside from housing, Aquino believes that healthcare is an extremely pressing issue for the vulnerable during this pandemic. Aquino had presented a 20-page healthcare plan to President George W. Bush, and it included healthcare for everyone, primarily focusing on our vulnerable. Not free healthcare, but, affordable and accessible.
Aquino believes that the most innovative ideas and solutions originate from those who are not politicians, those who have had a struggle, a struggle with equality, a struggle with opportunity.
Aquino also believes that President Trump is a true leader and New Yorker, like himself. History condemns those who plan to fight the last fight, rather than anticipate the challenges ahead.
Effective leaders like President Trump and Aquino, “batten down the hatches”, and strive to get ahead of the problem. Aquino, as an experienced advocate for over 35 years, has always developed innovative solutions to get ahead of the problem. There are solutions for the disabled, the homeless, all our vulnerable, who are already limited due to their conditions and who face life-threatening circumstances due to the Corona Virus. These systemic problems, homelessness, lack of appropriate and accessible mental health care, present another grave challenge during this pandemic.
Aquino says that the disabled have an inherent right due to the XIV Amendment of the Constitution, and the federally mandated Americans with Disabilities Act.
Aquino believes that with cooperation, collaboration, guidance, and diligence, we will succeed. He believes that together, with President Trump and their New York Savvy, they will.
Posted by Matthew Gravagna,
Communications Director for Aquino for Congress Campaign
Since this virus is most dangerous for the elderly, the disabled and those that have compromised immune systems, and because these populations, in particular, should not be going out, they should be able to stock up with food and other necessities so that they can remain at home. However, this is the exact population that depends on their Social Security and Disability benefits to meet their everyday needs. Social Security has a staggered payment system, whereby, traditionally, all checks used to be issued to recipients the 3rd of every month, now, those that have retired within the past few years, receive their checks on the 2nd or 3rd week of the month. The Aquino campaign believes that during this pandemic, Social Security checks should all have the same distribution date, the beginning of every month, not the middle of the month. These checks, for our most vulnerable, should be released immediately.
Posted by Matthew Gravagna,
Communications Director for Aquino for Congress Campaign